Hindley All Saints'

Church of England Nursery & Primary School

Transforming T.L.C. Teaching, Learning and Community through gospel values of Thankfulness, Love and Compassion.

Chapel Fields Lane, Hindley, Wigan, WN2 3QS

(01942) 255577


  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Sports Day - Y1 - Y6 - Monday 24th June

Sports Day - Y1 - Y6 - Monday 24th June

21 June 2024 (by Roz Pryle (R Pryle))

The weather is looking much better for our reserve Sports day on Monday 24th June. We will be starting as soon as possible after register at 1pm so if you can make it, we’d love you to join us. To access the school field, please come through the car park gates next to the churchyard. Once the event is over, we will take the children back into school and dismiss them from their classrooms as normal.

As the weather is going to be warm, you are welcome to send a cap or hat in with your child and a
water bottle (only water please). Drinks will also be given to the children before they come out,
during the event and straight after. Please ensure your child has their school PE kit in school on Monday.

Thank you