The DfE's schools financial benchmarking service allows you to find schools like our own and compare finance.
On the school page click 'start a comparison', then choose from the options:
The data currently on the financial benchmarking service is based on 2021-22 data.
Bear in mind these key point.
Benchmarking is only a guide – you should also think about other things you know about your school when assessing the data
There's a lot of variation in school spending and it's not always clear why schools have different expenses
You can share more data by joining a benchmarking group through your LA or school business managers’ network
If you can't find many schools similar to yours, you may need to cast your net wider and just bear the differences in mind when comparing data.
A benchmarking exercise is completed on an annual basis, based on data released by the DfE, and the findings are be reported to governors by the school business manager.