Outdoor Learning

Our facilities at school and further afield offer opportunities for all children to enjoy first-hand experience, outdoors be it within school grounds, in urban green spaces, in the countryside or in wilder environments. Such experiences motivate our children and young people to become successful learners and to develop as healthy, confident, enterprising and responsible citizens.

Well-constructed and well-planned outdoor learning helps develop skills of enquiry, critical thinking and reflection necessary for our children and young people to meet the social, economic and environmental challenges of life in the 21st century.

Outdoor learning connects children with the natural world, culture and the wider society and develops an ethos of care and responsibility.

Challenge, enjoyment, relevance, depth, development of the whole person and an adventurous approach to learning are at the core of outdoor pedagogy.

The outdoor environment encourages staff and children to see each other in a different light, building positive relationships and improving self-awareness and understanding of others.

Realising this vision will contribute to the well-being of our children and enable them to become resilient, responsible citizens and successful lifelong learners, who value our landscape and culture and contribute effectively to our local and global society.

We are lucky to have extensive outdoor provision where we can take our learning outside, weather permitting! Here are some of our curriculum lessons which have taken place outside, or using the outdoor areas.

Nursery Minibeast Hunt!

As part of their 'Keep Going, Keep Growing' topic, Nursery went on a minibeast hunt around our outdoor area. They found lots of minibeasts in lots of different habitats...

Year 4 RE

As part of their RE Unit: God, David and the Psalms, Year 4 wrote their own Psalms of Praise to God, added these to their favourite Psalms they had read in the Bible to create a Psalm Trail around the Outdoor Area.