
Policies and guidelines in school.

[What we do, how we do it and why we do it].

Please click on the policy 'name' below to open and find out about our school practice.

We have many more policies and guidelines but they are up-loaded to our web site as and when the Governors review and update them. If you don't see a policy that you think we should have, just ask or email, and if we have it we will send you a copy.

Your comments are welcome, [you can do this on the form at the bottom of the page].


This addresses the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and aims to improve aspects of the environment, curriculum and other resources so that all children can take full advantage of the opportunities provided by the school. [The Single Equality policy is strongly linked to this one].

Acceptable Use

Not sure what we do with pictures and images? This policy makes it clear and tells you all you need to know.


This tells you about our admissions criteria and how we sort out all the applications for a place at school.

If your child attends our nursery you must still apply for a place in the same way as all other parents.


All complaints about bullying are treated seriously and are acted upon as outlined in this document. Children have the right to feel safe and secure. They need to know how they can get help if they don't.


Asthma can be dangerous so it's important we know if your child has this condition. This policy lets you know what we do in school.


Attendance is really important and this policy tells you why. It tells you what to do if your child is not in school, how to ask for time off in term time, the law about allowing absence in term time and what may happen if your child's attendance is low.

Behaviour and Behaviour Principles

Good behaviour is vital to good learning. Here we say what we do to celebrate children's good behaviour and what may happen if they make the wrong choice.


This document explains why we have CCTV and what it is used for.

Charging and Remissions

We organize lots of trips out of school and visitors into school. All of them are supported by contributions from school funds and pupil premium funding so that parents don't have to struggle to find the full cost. This policy tells you what may happen if parents choose not to make a contribution and what happens if school property gets broken or lost.

Child Protection, Safeguarding

Keeping children safe is one of the most important aspects of school work. Here you can read what we do and how we do it. [Click on the safeguarding policy below]

Collective Worship

We believe that collective worship supports and strengthens what we aim to do in every aspect of school life. Our caring ethos and the value we give to each child is reflected in our worship. It is a special time in our day as we encourage reflection during traditional and modern worship.

Compliments, Complaints and Worries

Sometimes you won't be happy with what we have done. This document tells you what you can do to work with us to make it right.

Cycle and scooter storage

Rules and guidelines on using your bicycle and scooter to come to school.

Data Protection/GDPR

School keeps data and records for lots of reasons. Find out here how we keep information safe and what we use it for.

Debt Management

When and how you should pay for things used in school and what could happen if you don't pay a debt.

Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation Stage [EYFS] includes nursery and Reception class. It's a very important part of your child's learning and this document tells you what happens in this phase of our school.

Emergency Plan

This sets out what we will do if school has to be evacuated for any reason. If you want a copy please ask at the school office.


Everyone deserves to get the same opportunities and be treated in the same way. This policy lets you know that we take this seriously and how we support equality of opportunity.

Health and Safety

How we maintain a safe and healthy environment

Home-School-Child agreement.

Working together, school and home, is the best way your child will learn.

Looked After Children

Looked after children need extra care and support. This policy tells you how we will do this.


Children learn best when they know what they have done well and how they can improve their work. This is how we do it.

Medicine in School.

If children are ill they should stay at home. If they have prescribed medicine find out here what school can do to help. Please note that school staff can not give medicine to children that hasn't been prescribed.

Parental Involvement

Working with our families and parents is very important to us. Read here how we will keep you informed and how you can be involved.


Phonics is an important aspect of learning. This is how we teach phonics in school.


Good presentation makes you feel good, it helps to see how work can be improved and identify where mistakes have been made.

Privacy Policy

What school does with data. [Click here]

What the Local Authority does with data. [Click here]

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Relationships education enables children to explore their own attitudes and those of others respectfully.

Religious Education [RE]

In our Church of England Voluntary Aided School the religious education provided is in conformity with the rite, practices and doctrines of the Church of England as laid down in the trust deed. Religious education plays a major part in promoting the Christian aims, values and ethos of the school as expressed in the mission statement.

The Religious education curriculum maintains a balanced approach of Learning About Religion (AT1) and Learning From Religion (AT2)

Safeguarding and child protection

Keeping children safe is one of the most important aspects of school work. Here you can read what we do and how we do it.

Single Equality Policy

This policy reflects the Single Equality Act 2010 replacing previous legislation and summarises the school's approach in ensuring equality for all.

Special Educational Needs and Disability [SEND] and SEND report

Sometimes children need extra help. Find out how this works in our school.

You can go straight to Wigan's 'Local Offer page' here.

Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Policy

This school promotes a Christian ethos, and, by example and direct teaching, follows and promotes the teachings of Jesus, whilst recognising that not all of its members will be practicing Christians.

We recognise that the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve.

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

Find out how school will support children with medical conditions.

Teaching and Learning

This is what we do, this policy outlines our main approach to this vital part of school life.


As a Church of England school worship is an important element of our school day.